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Daily Life With A Monster Girl Wiki
Volume17 BonusComic1

Centaur Girls Hot to Trot is a bonus comic from Volume 17 in which Kuroko Smith and Mr President organize a race a thet Kobold Stadium between the six centaur girls who made their debut in the previous chapters of the volume.

Although Volume 17 was released in Japan back on 11th June 2021, the English version of the manga, and by extension, the bonus comic, was not released in English until years later on the 10th September 2024.


The Bonus Chapter begins with Ms Smith angrily confronting Mr President in his office at the Black Lily Laboratory that he "got his claws" in Nico, the Unicorn girl. Calm, but still annoyed that Smith just stormed into his office, Mr President rejects this accusation and says that Nico came to his company of her own free will. Unfazed by these words, Ms Smith says that whether of Nico's own free will or not, the sale of Liminal body parts (in this case, the powder from Nico's horn) is illegal. Frustrated that arguing with Mr President feels like she's talking to a wall, Ms Smith announces that they will settle this once and for all, through the "Centaur Games". Mr. President is not sure what to make of this idea.


Ms Smith's team.


Mr President's team.

A short time later, Ms Smith gathers the six Centaur girls in the Kobold Stadium and announces what she has come up with for the "Centaur Games": Two teams of three centaur girls each are to compete against each other in a race. In Smith's team are the three girls who are under her care through the Exchange Program (Alusia, Pegasania, Nico), while in the Prez team are the three Centaur girls who work for his company (Meamil, Cheron, Nighdrem). The race is scheduled to take place on the stadium's thousand-meter course and the team with the first racer to finish it won.

Ms Smith turns to Mr President and says that if her team loses, she will never interfere in his business again, but if her team wins, he must promise never again to bother the girls under her cares with offers if they can work for him. Mr Prez replies that Smith just made that up, while Nico hesitantly says that none of this explain why she is involved in this matter. But Ms Smith ignores the unicorn woman's objection.

In addition to the six centaur girls, Centorea is also present in the stadium, as Smith has also summoned her out of the blue. She turns to Ms Smith and questions whether gambling with Liminals (or gambling in general) is not expressly forbidden by the accord and whether there is not a risk that Smith will be fired if someone finds out that she, an agent and liminal coordinator of the government, is doing such a thing.

Ms Smith says that Centorea doesn't have to worry about that, as this race is formally just a recreational exercise. She explains in an almost accusatory tone that this is the only way to solve some problems, while at the same time adding that she would not work today, so she is off duty, and that because she is (allegedly) a workaholic, she has never had any downtime before. Unsure of this accusatory tone, Centorea ends the conversation.


The mention of the prize motivates Nico.

Meanwhile, Nico complains about why Ms Smith wants her in the race, since she is a shut-in with no stamina. She is then approached by Nighdrem who asks why they should care who wins and that they can leave it to the athletes while the rest of them can chill. Nico agrees with her, while Nighdrem adds that the winner of the race should be granted every wish as a prize, but since Nighdrem, as she says herself, don't have a snowball's chance to win, she doesn't care about this prize. However, when Nico hears about this prize, it gives her the motivation to want to win despite her unathleticism, because she could wish for new idol merchs with the prize.

Meanwhile, Ms Smith tells Mr President in a stern tone that this is supposed to be a fair fight, although Mr President, taking this announcement a little too literally, says that they won't fight. However, when Smith turns away from Mr President, she laughs sneering at her own words in her mind, as this race will be anything but fair, as she has the super-fast Alusia on her team, while Pegasania, since she can fly, can also win the race with ease. Smith adds in her mind that despite the fact that Nico is not an athlete, she still has a clear advantage over Mr President. While Ms Smith is still laughing scornfully, however, she doesn't notice how Mr President secretly makes a phone call and smirks smugly to himself.

Dejected, Nighdrem walks along the field when she is approached by Meamil who is looking up from her cell phone (which strongly implies that Meamil was the person Mr. President was talking to on the phone). Somewhat embarrassed, Nighdrem Meamil admits that she hoped that she wouldn't be the slowest on the track and had initially figured that Nico was about as fast as she was. But now that Nico has this motivational boost, she won't run slower than Nighdrem, so Nighdrem will be the slowest in the race. Meamil seems to be sympathetic to this, but makes a suggestion to Nighdrem: if she does her a favor, Meamil will promise in return to match her pace on that of Nighdrem during the race.


Cheron puts on her armor.

Centorea notices that Cheron seems to be upset about something. When she asks her about it, Cheron apologizes and explains that she got all riled up like this would be a jousting match. Centorea replies that this will just be a race today, although Cheron replies that she will still give it her all. She then suddenly starts to put on full-body armour, although Centorea emphatically repeats that this will only be a race and not a jousting match, and worries if the heavy armour will slow down Cheron.


Polt allows Ms Smith and Mr President to use the stadium free of charge.

Mr President turns to Polt and thanks her for allowing him and Ms Smith to use the Kobold Stadium. Polt happily replies that it's the least she can do for him after he sponsored her overseas expansion with the Kobold Gym during the Onsen Arc. Ms Smith is not very pleased to learn that the Prez was Polt's sponsor and comments that he has a finger in every pie. Mr President asks if Polt really doesn't need a fee from him, which Polt denies and replies that no one is using her stadium at the moment anyway. Ms Smith think that sounds ruff.

Meanwhile, Alusia suddenly hears Meamil worryingly wondering what she shall do. When Alusia asks her what's wrong, Meamil says that she milked herself before the race, but doesn't know what to do with the milk because she doesn't want to waste it, but it's too warm to store it today. Alusia happily asks if she can drink the milk, as the warm-up before the race has made her very thirsty. Alusia drinks the whole bottle and then comments that the milk was very tasty but also a bit warm.


Nighdrem sabotages Alusia through hypnosis.

However, Meamil then asks amused if warm milk isn't the one thing for sleep and while Alusia is still wondering about this remark, Nighdrem suddenly appears behind Meamil, swings her pendulum in front of Alusia's face and puts the Lightweight Centauride into a sleepy trance with her hypnosis.

Polt now announces the start of the race as a connator and introduces the contestants one after the other. She singles out Alusia, Pegasania, Cheron as favourites, while noting that Nico (since she is an in-door) and Nighdrem (as she is fundamentally fraid) could have a hard time in the race. Last but not least, Polt calls on Centorea as the seventh competitor who is not on either team, much to Centorea's confusion as to why she is suddenly also involved in the race, since neither Ms Smith nor Mr President have mentioned this with a single word before.


Pegasania is more interested to eat astrotuff rather than take part in the race.

The seven participants go to the start and Polt announces that the victory will decide whether Ms Smith and Mr President will finally settle their beef. The race then starts, with a large cloud of dust rising as the participants run. However, as the dust slowly settles, Polt notices that one of the racers is still at the starting line. It turns out that it is Pegasania who has already completely forgotten about the race, as she is more interested in grazing, although the "grass" at the edge of the stadium's race track is actually astroturf. Incredulous and shocked that one of her favorites with the best chances is distracted by something like this, Ms Smith yells at Pegasania about what is wrong with her, even though Pegasania pays no attention to her.


Alusia falls asleep (because of Rem and Meamil' sabotage) on the race track.

Ms Smith tries to calm down, since her team still has her fast-paced Alusia, but at that moment Alusia falls to the ground and simply falls asleep on the race track after the combination of Meamil's warm milk and Nighdrem's hypnosis has lost its effect on her. Ms Smith freezes in shock, while Mr. President smiles that his sabotage plan, which he had apparently planned together with Meamil, worked out so smoothly. Smugly, he thinks to himself that now that the two "guns" are out of the race, his team only has to cross the finish line to win, where he counts on Cheron.


Cheron makes slow progress because of her armor.

However, this hope is dashed when Cheron is suddenly covered from head to toe in plate armor and Polt wonders if no one told Cheron that this was a race. Cheron replies unimpressed to the comments that speed doesn't matter in a battle and that wight makes the winner, but even these words don't change the fact that Centorea's previous fear that the heavy armor drastically slows down Cheron comes true and the Heavyweight Centaurine falls far behind the other competitors.

Polt comments as an announcer what a shock it is that all the favorites in the race are now gone, while Ms Smith and Mr President are also more or less shocked. At the moment, Meamil, who holds her breasts during the race, is in the lead while hypocritically (because she sabotaged Alusia) thinking to herself how it could have happened with the elimination of the favorites. Behind Meamil is Nighdrem, who is now dog-tired and wonders what is going to happen to Meamil's promise before the race that they where going to take it easy. And finally behind Nighdrem follows Nico, who is almost at the end of her rope, which causes Polt to comment that Nico should really visit her gym to get in shape.

Meamil's Nipslip

Meamil's "unfortunate accident".

While Ms Smith desperately cheers Nico on, Mr President tries to calm down himself that despite the setback with Cheron, there is no need to panic because his team is still in the lead and that he can win as long as nothing else goes wrong. But the next moment something happens again, as, to Meamil's shock, through the bouncing off and up while running, her breasts slip out of her top. Polt then announces to Mr President's shock that Meamil has been eliminated because of her uncontrollable breasts, while Ms Smith continues to cheer Nico on.


Nico seems to win just ahead of Nighdrem...

Now only Nighdrem and Nico, who are both at the end of their rope, are left in the race, but at the moment Nighdrem is in front because she has the advantage of being lighter than Nico. Nico is almost on the verge of giving up, because while the announced price with which she could have wished for new idol merchs had motivated her, but this race is just too out of her line. However, Ms Smith suddenly shouts to her that if she gets through the finish line first, Smith will buy her all the idol merchs she wants. This spurs Nico on and in the last few meters she manages to get on a level with Nighdrem and be one horn's length ahead of her.


... But her joy comes to a bitter end when it turns out that Centorea has actually won.

Polt announces Nico as the winner of the race, while Nighdrem vomits from exhaustion and fatigue. Nico can hardly believe it at first and thinks silently how good it is that she stopped to shawing down her horn, because that was what gave her the victory. Nico's enthusiastic joy, however, comes to a very bitter end when, to her shock, Polt corrects herself apologetically, because actually (and without anyone noticing) Centorea had crossed the finish line first and won.


Centorea is angry on Ms Smith and Mr President.

While Nico briefly loses consciousness in shock over this bitter defeat and has to be held by Cheron, Polt conducts a short interview with Centorea and congratulates her on her victory, even though no one has noticed how she won. Polt asks Centorea what their secret is, to which Centorea says that it was simply because the other teams brought each other low. Polt asks about the wish that Centorea can express as a prize (Nico shouted "Idol Merch" in the background but was ignored), whereupon Centorea thinks for a moment and then says with a stern look to Ms Smith and Mr President that she wishes that the two should never do anything like this race again. Ms Smith sheepishly says that she will do her best, while Mr President hesitantly points out that this whole thing was not his idea in the first place.

A few days later, Ms Smith arrives home from work in the evening and decides to watch some videos on her computer before going to bed. However, when she calls up You Tube, she discovers to her amazement a video called "Centaur Girls Hot to Trot", in which excerpts from the Centaur Girl race are shown, such as when Rem hypnotized Alusia or Nico crossed the finish line without noticing that Centorea had already won. At the bottom of the comments of the video, people give a lot of positive answers, including from people who didn't know anything about the Black Lily Laboratory until they saw this video.

Mr President's e-mail.

Afterwards, Ms Smith receives an e-mail from Mr President in which he says that the race maybe ended in a tie, but since this video has nevertheless led to the fact that the awareness of his company has increased greatly as a result, he would still say that he emerged as the winner of this matter. Enraged, Ms Smith curses the Prez for using the Centaur girl race as a free advertisement for his company.

Characters Kuroko Smith • Mr President • Centorea Shianus • Polt • Alusia Van Dalsia • Rem Nighdrem • Cheron Du Pell • Meamil Airagu • Nicole Unicole • Pegasania Bellerophon
Items and Terms Kobold • Centaur • Lightweight Centaur • Nightmare • Heavyweight Centaur • Dairy Breed Centaur • Unicorn • Pegasus • Milk • Hypnosis • Armour • Wardrobe Malfunction • Extraspecies Exchange Online Websites
Locations Black Lily Advanced Materials Laboratory • Kobold Stadium • Smith's Apartment


  • Just like in Chapter 17, Centorea takes part in a competition with speed in this bonus comic and wins without any of the other participants noticing it until the end.
  • Ms Smith's claim to Centorea that she has never had an off duty day is wrong, as Smith already had at least one day off in Chapter 4 (coincidentally the debut chapter of Centorea).
  • As they're in a racing competition, the centaur girls wear sports attires with most of them wearing a sports bra.
  • It is hinted that Meamil is able to milk herself in this bonus comic although she prefers others to do it for her or suckle her breasts.
  • Unlike all the other characters, Meamil's breastmilk didn't turn Alusia into an infantile state after the latter drank it. It is possible that Rem's hypnosis somehow influenced the effect of Meamil's milk, or that the milk could not fully unfold its effect on Alusia due to the hypnosis-related trance she was in.
  • Dark Monmon Video which is the website the race of the centaur girls is being uploaded is similar to Youtube.

Manga Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls (manga) • Living with Monster Girl • Monster Girl Report • MaMaMa: Magical Director Mako-chan’s Magical Guidance • Toranoana Bonus Manga • Centaur Girls Hot to Trot • Off-Pako Succubus Pako-chan • Technicolor Side Stories • Monster Musume Omake
Anime Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls (anime) • Almost Daily OO! Sort of Live Video • Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls OAD 1 • Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls OAD 2
Books Monster Musume: Monster Girls on the Job! • Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou 4-koma • Monster Musume I ♥ Monster Girls Volume 1 • Monster Musume I ♥ Monster Girls Volume 2 • Monster Musume I ♥ Monster Girls Volume 3 • Monster Musume I ♥ Monster Girls Volume 4 • Monster Musume I ♥ Monster Girls Volume 5 • Monster Musume I ♥ Monster Girls Volume 6 • Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou Anime Design Works • Monster Musume: Monster Girl Papercraft
Videogames Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls Online • Monster Musume Fantastic Life
Soundtracks Saikōsoku Fall in Love • Hey! Sumisu!! • Monster Musume Original Soundtrack • Character Song: Miia • Character Song: Papi • Character Song: Centorea • Character Song: Suu • Character Song: Mero • Character Song: Rachnera • Monster Musume Oyasumi CD • Everyday Talk with Monster Girls
Other Interspecies Exchange Party • Monster Musume merchandise • Life-Sized Miia Dakimakura • Everyday Life With Bicycle Cop • Monster Musume Cafe • Monster Musume Memes • Marie Claude Bourbonnais • Minotaur's Milking Ranch • Poltfan