Magical Girl is a well-known and well-used character stereotype/template in Japanese Animation, Manga and related fictional material. Known as Mahou Shoujo ("magical girl") or just Majokko ("witch-girl"), Magical Girl characters are typically young girls or women who are empowered with fantastic/magical powers that both assist and complicate their lives.
First appearing in the late 1960's, the first two anime/manga series to feature the character type (Sally The Witch and Himitsu No Akko-chan) credited their inspiration for the character from the American live-action series Bewitched.
The genre gradually evolved, with Codename: Sailor V (later known as Sailor Moon (1992)) and Cardcaptor Sakura (1996) becoming the modern examples of the typical Magical Girl stereotype.
- The two attires of the Jack O Lantern Ran in Monster Musume: Everyday Life with Monster Girls Online are themed after the typical attire of a Magical Girl.